Gambia Investigating Myanmar – Analysis

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In 1994, one of the deadliest genocides in history began that would carry on for the next several years. The Rwandan Genocide, which began in 1994, was an ethnic conflict that resulted in millions of deaths and had very little international intervention. In the years following the genocide, international organizations began investigating the atrocity and trying to prevent a similar event from occurring in the future. Ultimately, these organizations were not successful as many genocidal acts continued occurring. 

In Myanmar, security forces are said to be “acting with genocidal intent” and the Rohingya people are forced to flee or be killed. Women and children are being targeted and abused very much. Non-governmental organizations are attempting to help the best they can, yet it is not enough. The Myanmar government is not intervening and some may say they are leading the acts themselves. Refugee camps in neighboring countries including Bangladesh and more, are overcrowded and are in inhabitable conditions. Not only are there no places for people to safely live, they are lacking food and water as well. Medical treatment is not provided so people with injuries, sicknesses, or post traumatic stress disorder (and other psychological disorders) are not being taken care of.

In the early 2000s, justice organizations got involved with holding the leaders of the Rwandan Genocide accountable for their actions. Many of the prosecutors are still in the human rights department of justice organizations. 

A Justice Minister from Gambia went to Bangladesh for a conference and saw something they recognized. The stories about the mistreatment and abuse that the Rohingya people received reminded the minister of the atrocities in Rwanda. With that realization, a new investigation is being started. Gambia’s legal team is facing off with the Myanmar government and it appears that Myanmar is not agreeing with the investigation. 

Ultimately, I do not think that the Myanmar government will let Gambia investigate. There will most likely be withholding of information and a possible increase in the genocidal acts towards the Rohingya people.

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