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Africa is slowly struggling its way towards a cleaner future in terms of energy production. Most of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa register as LDCs or Lesser Developed Countries. As such, most people living there go without electricity or basic amenities.  However, the continent is the most in danger when it comes to the problems of climate change. People looking to develop Africa are running into red tape when it comes to figuring out a way to use energy. To protect the environment, oil and natural gas should be out of the question for energy sources. Sadly, more renewable forms of energy commonly have a higher price tag than other nonrenewable sources. Many outside countries are pushing to invest in Africa’s future through renewable resources, those same countries are vying to exploit the untapped oil and natural gas that lies there. Many investors are making the shift to clean energy. Once the money going into the coal and natural gas industries dries up, the only alternative will be renewable energy. 

Some countries have taken major steps towards clean energy. For example, Kenya uses more geothermal and hydroelectric power than it does oil. On the other hand, most of South Africa’s power comes from burning coal. This seems to be the trend in most countries, the top sources of energy in order are natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, oil, nuclear, and wind. South Africa should have the most opportunities for clean energy, as they are the wealthiest country, in terms of total GDP, on the continent. But one way they stay so wealthy is by using coal, the cheapest form of energy available. South Africa is reluctant to move fully off of coal, and is instead opting to try and move towards “clean coal”. The technology proposed has not been invented yet, but that is the course South Africa is taking.

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