Analysis Post

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Due to the wariness China and North Korea has caused in the East Asia region in recent months, it’s no surprise that other countries have begun seeking alliances within the region. However, what is surprising is that the new potential dynamic duo would consist of Japan and Russia. After never achieving a peace treaty agreement following the end of the Second World War, the current leaders (Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin have begun making concerted efforts to achieving resolve, almost seventy years later. The basis of the tense relations involves claim of four small islands of the coast of Hokkaido, Japan known as the Kurils. However, Abe, eager to move forward in what would be considered historical negotiations, has vowed to solve the dispute before he leaves office.

 Abe and his administration views mended relations with Russia imperative to effectively balance out China’s actions in the region. In addition, Japan has also viewed it as a means of economic gain, and with sanctions placed upon Russia by the international community, improved economic relations are definitely something that Russia could benefit from as well. However, another draw for Japan to conduct these negotiations would be to simply start asserting their independence in world affairs. Japan has been trying to send that message across, such as when Abe ignored American President Barack Obama’s call to not go visit Putin in Russia.

 Seeing as to what is going on in the world currently, I do not see now as the best time to bring up talks as important as the ones between Japan and Russia would be. While there are obvious benefits for both sides to having these talks, the timing is rough; while Russia is dealing with Western relations and their growing role in Syria, Japan is more concerned with China’s growing influence. And while the teamwork between the two could, in theory, help solve the other’s problems, the talks would most likely be carried out hastily and unenthusiastically while the other issues loom over head. With historical decisions such as restored relations are being discussed, timing is everything.

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