China’s obsession for possession of Hong Kong

For years, Hong Kong independence has been on the agenda of many MP’s within its parliament; however, the Communist Party of China has always been averse to the idea. Recently, two Hong Kong MP’s have pulled a massive stunt, purposely misreading their oaths to swear in to office, sneaking in a derogatory slur for China along with a number of “expletives.” The two politicians, who were legitimately elected, have been effectively barred from the Parliament, and the Hong Kong chief executive has refused to allow them to repeat the oath correctly, citing their disregard for the “solemnity” of the oath. Of course, many are claiming that the Hong Kong chief executive is acting out of Chinese favor, as he is quoted stating “Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China”; however, the people wouldn’t agree. Of course, massive protests are occurring as a large part of the Hong Kong population seeks complete autonomy from China, realistically, autonomy from the reach of the Chinese government. In response to these protests, China is effectively destroying what little independence is allowed to Hong Kong, threatening the independent Judicial powers of the province. This over reaction by China in it’s violent retaliations is even turning anti- independence MPs away from their cause, which in turn will lead to more protests, and the cycle continues. The only true solution would be for Hong Kong to become independent; and China wouldn’t be able to violently suppress protests; however, they would also lose one of the most economically prosperous provinces of the country.

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