Thailand’s Continuing Stability

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Following the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej in October, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn became the new King of Thailand Thursday after being invited by Parliament to succeed his father. When King Bhumibol Adulyadej died two months ago, many were worried that Thailand would fall into a period of instability. Although his corronation will not take place until his father is cremated next year, a new King will help assure the people of Thailand that there is a leader in countrol of their country, putting to ease the fear of instability.

While Maha Vajiralongkorn may now be King of Thailand, he has kept a lower profile in his adult life and has yet to command the adoration from the people that his father did. In order to live up to his father, the new King must optain a a great public image to where he is adored by his people. In morerecent years, The King had taken on more ceremonial duties for his ailing father and has appeared at a few public events that have portrayed Maha Vajiralongkorn as a family man and affectionate father. While he has somewhat beein in the public eye in recent years, now that he’s King he’ll almost be forced into having his life open to the public and having a more in depth public image.


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