Views on Same-Sex Marriage in Australia

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FRANCE 24 | September 10, 2017

Recently in Australia, people have been campaigning for legislation to pass equality for same-sex marriage. Such legalization has been passed in England, France, Germany, Canada, and of course the United States, and Australia hopes to join them. However, like most other countries, it is very difficult to pass this legislation due to the conflicting views of the people of Australia. “If a majority votes yes, then we will ensure a… bill is presented to the parliament which will legalise same-sex marriage,” said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, but in order for this to happen the majority must be in favor and currently it is not. Therefore,  a rally was organized in order to bring it to attention. Australians came dressed in rainbow colors, carrying signs, all for the chance to change people’s minds. These kinds of rallies spark people’s interests and gain popularity especially with those under the age of 25. The current Prime Minister,  Malcolm Turnbull,  supports gay marriage but many of his party do not. In my opinion, I find it important for this lesiglatiom to be passed. With many countries having this become legal, I can see why Australia would like to follow in the footsteps of these other counties and grant equality to people of the LGBTQ+ community. However, just like in the United States, not everyone agrees and even if it is passed, some may disagree and work to overturn this law.

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