The world must come together and help refugees

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Source BBC

Title: Rohingya Crisis: Why aid is slow to reach refugees

Nearly half a million Rohingya refugees have escaped violence in their home country of Myanmar and migrated to Bangladesh. Many refugee camps have been established near the two countries borders, but the camps are beginning to become overcrowded and lack necessary supplies. The UN is in charge of two refugee camps, both very overcrowded. Since August 25th the camps have been growing in population. The two camps are now at 70,000 people which exceeds the limit. The rest of the refugees have no place to settle except outside of the two camps. It is against United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to aid these people. The lack of supplies has taken a vicious toll on the refugees. When supplies do arrive it is complete chaos and many people are even trampled. There has been reports of supply planes not landing and delivering food. Many of the refugees have had no contact with aid agencies. Many Bangladesh citizens have taken matters into their own hands by giving refugees supplies and selling materials on the streets. It is very difficult to understand the severity of this issue, half a million people are without homes trying to escape violence in their country. Men, women, and children are living without necessary supplies. This is not the first time Bangladesh has experienced a refugee crisis. In 1971, many refugees escaped civil war. This civil war created the nation of Bangladesh formally called East Pakistan.

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