The Current Ethnic Situation in Mynamar

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STRAITS TIMES | October 3, 2017

One of the worst ethnic cleansings in history is taking place right now in Myanmar ( known as Burma to us) with the Rohingyas. Many international news organizations have been covering for weeks how they are being forced from their homes into the neighboring country of Bangladesh, the total of refugees hitting 500,000 this week. The Rohingyas are targeted in their home country of Myanmar due to the fact that they do not make up one of Myanmar’s “8 national races.” However, they have lived in the region for over a millennium and are still denied citizenship. In present times, Rohingya people are attacked by Myanmar military through ways of rape, burning villages, and mass killings and many have left in hopes of finding a better life in Bangladesh.You’re probably wondering what Myanmar’s leader is doing. Aung San Suu Kyi has done nothing to try and control the military and has not publicly condemned the treatment of the Rohingyas. This has ruined her reputation in international affairs. Most recently, Myanmar officials have proposed to take back the Rohingyas which as first sounds like they’ve finally come to their senses. However, there is a catch.  Officials state that only Rohingyas who have fled in the past year will be welcomed back to Myanmar, leaving 300,000 who migrated earlier to be left still fighting for their lives.

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