China limiting free speech by means of the internet

One of the things we hold closely to us in the United States is our freedom of speech. From everything to newspapers to protests to Facebook posts. We’re allowed to share our opinions with each other about anything we want. However, some countries aren’t so lucky. China isn’t able to broadcast their feelings without the threat of being kidnapped and killed. Recently, China has been limiting their citizens right to use the internet. Many of us use the internet as a database or a means of communicating with one another and China is limiting both of those. The popular app, Whatsapp, which is texting app that many Chinese people use to communicate with one another, is being partially blocked by the government and nobody knows why. Likewise, a meme was made about the Chinese President Xi Jinping with a photo of Winnie the Pooh comparing him to it. Now, if you look up Winnie the Pooh in China, nothing with appear with relation to the show. Now Winnie the Pooh isn’t necessarily the best example of free speech but this leads into something else. Imagine you wrote an article about your views about a new legislation passed by the government, and then it gets removed off the internet along with the site it was posted on. Then, the police arrive at your door and take you without your consent. Small things like Winnie the Pooh can turn into bigger things like political issues. Then next thing you know, the internet is gone altogether, which China is already working on by the way.

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