Analysis Post: North Korea crisis

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It seems that China and South Korea seem to be pursuing the same type of solution for the North Korea crisis. This solution is the more diplomatic approach. China wishes to avoid conflict by re-implementing the six-party talks in order to convince North Korea to denuclearize. Meanwhile, South Korea is refusing to fight fire with fire and, against the opinion of the United States, will not develop nuclear weapons.These idealist approaches to the situation with North Korea may save the region from conflict; however, the effectiveness of these approaches is questionable. It seems like Japan, one of the “six parties”, will not participate in these talks proposed by China because they do not believe it will benefit the situation. In addition, the talks were originally disbanded because North Korea left, so why does China think they will be more apt to talk now that they have nuclear weapons?

All in all, it would save this region much devastation in terms of warfare and economic casualties if the crisis with North Korea were to be solved through negotiation and peace. However, if their previous attitude toward negotiation stands, I highly doubt they will agree to meet and talk it out. Kim Jong Un wants power and will not succumb to negotiation until he obtains power or perhaps until his life is directly at risk.

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