Upcoming Import Expo Gateway to Global Trade Prosperity

Link To Article: https://english.news.cn/20231005/964d17069cfd43a49b03ecadb562dcd7/c.html 

In the next month, China will be hosting this year’s China International Import Expo (CIIE) at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai once again. This will be the first complete return to in person interactions for this event since the Covid-19 outbreak. This exhibition has caught great attention ever since it began in November 2018. There have been almost 2,000 new products and technologies debuting at this event bringing in nearly 350 billion U.S. dollars. Over 130 countries and international organizations have participated in China’s exhibitions. The inaugural CIIE was marked as a groundbreaking event in the history of global trade but has still been consistently growing and benefiting the world. The CIIE holds a lot of significance by growing businesses that will help the economy, which in turn has caused 3,000 global companies to participate in this year’s exhibition. 

The CIIE has made a clear influence around the world in it’s short span of 5 years. Over the past 20 to 40 years China has grown and become the main power in Asia. This exhibition is just another reason to solidify China as a potential global superpower. The reason for this argument is how much China has effected the global economy in their time including this event. They have become one of the biggest trading partners around the world with other majorly influential countries like the U.S. The CIIE adds to their reliability which helps grow positive connections across the world with global actors, IGO’s, and other states. I think the CIIE is beneficial to everyone because it helps businesses and markets around the world which in turn grows the economy for everyone since it is so impactful. This is also smart for China because they will remain as a primary trading partner and have a positive view from other states. The four leaf clover shape of the building symbolizes prosperity and good fortune which helps establish that positive reception of the outlook on China.

Relating this to what we have learned in class, this is similar to MNC’s. MNC’s are multinational corporations that do business without corresponding to one states interests. A few examples of companies that do business around the world are Apple, Amazon, Walmart, and etc. The CIIE is a place where China hosts companies around the world to sell their products. Most of the companies that go to the CIIE would be considered MNC’s

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