Author Archives: charlotteager

Bangladesh agrees with Myanmar to complete Rohingya return within two years

France 24 Bangladesh has agreed to complete the process of returning Rohingya Muslims to Myanmar within two years after repatriation begins, the south Asian nation said on Tuesday, following a meeting of the neighbours to implement a pact signed last year. A statement by the Bangladesh foreign ministry did not say when the process would begin. But it said the return effort… Read more »

Hong Kong ‘Umbrella Movement’ activist Wong jailed

France 24 Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong was jailed for three months Wednesday for obstructing clearance of a major encampment during mass pro-democracy protests in 2014, the second time he has been imprisoned over the rallies. Wong, 21, who had pleaded guilty to the contempt charge, was already on bail pending an appeal over a six-month sentence for another offence related to… Read more »

Avalanche hits skiers after volcano erupts at Japan resort

France 24 Rocks spat out by an erupting volcano rained down on skiers at a mountain resort in central Japan on Tuesday and one skier was missing following an avalanche that occurred shortly after the volcano exploded and engulfed nearly a dozen skiers. Six of those trapped were members of Japan‘s Ground Self Defence Force (SDF) engaged in training manoeuvres, the… Read more »

Koreas to march under single flag at Olympics

France 24 The two Koreas on Wednesday agreed to form a united women’s hockey team and march together under a unified peninsula flag at next month’s Winter Olympics in the South, after the latest in a flurry of cross-border talks. Following a working-level meeting held at the truce village of Panmunjom, the two sides also announced that their athletes would… Read more »

Analysis Post

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It seems from Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Day speech that North Korea is looking to lessen tensions with South Korea. They have enforced this statement by reopening telecommunications with South Korea relating to the Winter Olympics. However, many are not convinced that this communication will last due to North Korea’s tendency to quickly recoil from communication such as this…. Read more »

South Korea proposes high-level talks with North on Olympics cooperation

France 24 South Korea has proposed holding high-level talks with Pyongyang on January 9, after North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un called for a breakthrough in relations and said Pyongyang might attend the Winter Olympics. Kim Jong-Un used his annual New Year address to underscore Pyongyang’s claim that it has developed a weapons deterrent and warn that he had a “nuclear button”… Read more »

Analysis Post: South Korea during North Korean crisis

Out of all the countries involved and affected by the North Korean crisis, by far the most impacted is South Korea. Their proximity to the DPRK is surely causing distress in South Korea due to the current missile testing coming from Pyongyang. I think that it is a very smart move on South Korea’s part to be restoring ties with… Read more »

EU withdraws support for Cambodia election authority after opposition dissolved

France 24 The EU on Tuesday pulled support for Cambodia’s election authority, questioning the legitimacy of upcoming polls after the dissolution of the opposition transformed the kingdom into a virtual one-party state under strongman Hun Sen. A Supreme Court ruling last month dissolved the main opposition to the incumbent Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) after Hun Sen intensified his attacks on them with elections looming… Read more »