Author Archives: charlotteager

Japan’s Abe re-elected PM after election landslide

France 24 Japan’s Shinzo Abe was re-elected prime minister on Wednesday after his ruling bloc’s big election win last month and days ahead of a visit by US President Donald Trump that is expected to be dominated by concerns over a volatile North Korea. Abe, 63, took office in December 2012, promising to reboot the stale economy and bolster defence…. Read more »

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi stripped of freedom of Glasgow

BBC Glasgow City Council has unanimously voted to withdraw their offer to award Myanmar’s de facto leader leader Aung San Suu Kyi freedom of the city. The decision comes following criticism of her response to the Rohingya refugee crisis amid alleged human rights violations in Myanmar.

China pushes for new six-party talks as N. Korea crisis enters ‘critical’ phase

France 24 A day after the UN imposed strict new sanctions on North Korea, China’s foreign minister called Sunday for the resumption of six-party talks to halt Pyongyang’s nuclear programme and warned that the crisis was entering a “critical” new phase. In a 15-0 vote on Saturday, the UN Security Council imposed tough new sanctions on North Korea that could… Read more »

South Korea president says country will not develop nuclear weapons

France 24 South Korea will not develop atomic weapons of its own, despite the threat from the nuclear-armed North, President Moon Jae-In declared Wednesday. “A push by North Korea to become a nuclear state cannot be accepted or tolerated,” Moon said in an address to parliament. “We also will not develop or own nuclear” arms. In recent months Pyongyang has carried out… Read more »