Tag Archives: China

A Researcher Uncovered a Chinese Database That Lists the “BreedReady” Status of 1.8 Million Women

An internet expert says he has uncovered an open database in China that details the personal information of more than 1.8 million women, as well as something called their “BreedReady” status. Victor Gevers, a Dutch researcher with nonprofit GDI.Foundation, tweeted his findings over the weekend. According to his research, the database stored women’s names, ages and marital status, among other… Read more »

Malaysia’s Mahathir reportedly says he’d prefer to side with China rather than ‘unpredictable’ US

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said he would prefer to take sides with China over the U.S. if his country was forced to take sides in the trade war, the South China Morning Post reported on Friday. Although the 93-year-old Malaysian leader has been a strong critic of Chinese investments in his home country, he acknowledged that China is an economic power that presents opportunities. Malaysia has to “accept that China is… Read more »

On the People’s Republic of China, cont

“Sesame Credit” is the PRC’s social credit system, in which people are scored based on such characteristics as their adoption of Xi Jinping Thought, their loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party, their actions in support of – or against – the CCP, and the score of their friends and family. Participation in this system is coerced and widespread, integrating many… Read more »

On the People’s Republic of China

The People’s Republic of China is an ex authoritarian-socialist country, which has since dropped the socialism and buoyed the authoritarianism as far as it can go. Many of the PRC’s recent actions reflect this, such as the internment and “re-education” of possibly millions of Uyghur Muslims in the western province of Xinjiang, the introduction of “Sesame Credit”, and its foreign… Read more »

On the Philippines

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The Philippines has taken an interesting role over the past few years in regards to Sino-American diplomacy. It’s a hotly-contested state, in terms of influence, due to its resources, size, and strategic position. For the Chinese, it’s the gateway to the south Pacific, with its vast sea resources and wide array of shipping lanes. For the US, it’s the opposite:… Read more »

US commits to aiding Philippines in South China Sea

The US secretary of state has committed Washington to aiding the Philippines in the event of an “armed attack” on its vessels or aircraft in the disputed South China Sea, in what some see as a warning shot to China. Speaking in Manila after meeting the president, Rodrigo Duterte, Mike Pompeo told the Philippines: “We have your back” and invoked the two… Read more »

Trump to delay further tariffs on Chinese goods

President Donald Trump has announced that the US will delay imposing further trade tariffs on Chinese goods. The rise in import duties on Chinese goods from 10% to 25% was due to come into effect on 1 March. Mr Trump said both sides had made “substantial progress” in trade talks, which sent Chinese stocks up nearly 5%. He added that… Read more »

What does China want to do on the Moon’s far side?

What will China’s Chang’e-4 mission learn about the far side of the Moon? Here are a few things the mission is designed to do. Learn about the Moon’s history No space mission has ever explored the far side from the surface. As such, it’s the first chance to explore a mysterious region of Earth’s natural satellite.  The “face” that’s never… Read more »