Tag Archives: Myanmar

Asean calls for end to Myanmar violence after 100 killed in military air strike

Article: https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3216884/asean-calls-end-myanmar-violence-after-100-killed-military-air-strike A recent airstrike conducted by the in-power military junta struck Sagaing, Myanmar. There have been continued military fights between the military junta who took power in 2021, and multiple revolutionary and civilian groups. One of the largest revolutionary groups is the National Unity Group (NUG), and the claimed reason why the junta assaulted the village. Zaw Min Tun,… Read more »

Bangladesh agrees with Myanmar to complete Rohingya return within two years

France 24 Bangladesh has agreed to complete the process of returning Rohingya Muslims to Myanmar within two years after repatriation begins, the south Asian nation said on Tuesday, following a meeting of the neighbours to implement a pact signed last year. A statement by the Bangladesh foreign ministry did not say when the process would begin. But it said the return effort… Read more »

Pope begins sensitive Myanmar visit amid claims of ethnic cleansing

France 24 Pope Francis flew to Myanmar on Monday in one of his most sensitive trips yet, as religious tensions fester in the mainly Buddhist nation that has bristled at global outrage over its treatment of Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar’s army chief Min Aung Hlaing said he told Pope Francis his country had “no religious discrimination” after the pair met late Monday, in a… Read more »

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi stripped of freedom of Glasgow

BBC Glasgow City Council has unanimously voted to withdraw their offer to award Myanmar’s de facto leader leader Aung San Suu Kyi freedom of the city. The decision comes following criticism of her response to the Rohingya refugee crisis amid alleged human rights violations in Myanmar.

China, Myanmar vow to strengthen law enforcement, security cooperation

NAY PYI TAW, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) — China and Myanmar have vowed to strengthen law enforcement and security cooperation. The 5th meeting of Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation was held in Nay Pyi Taw on Tuesday, co-chaired by visiting Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun and Myanmar Minister of Home Affairs Kyaw Swe.