281 Inmates Escape after Flood brought down Prison Walls in Nigeria

LINKS: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/281-inmates-escape-after-floods-brought-prisons-walls-113723723#:~:text=ABUJA%2C%20Nigeria%20%2D%2D%20Nigerian%20authorities,across%20the%20state%20of%20Borno.


On september 10th of this year, 281 prison inmates have escapes the Suleja prison near Nigeria’s capital. Severe rain, and a destructive flood had caused the damaged parts of the prison to finally fall. Officers tried to evacuate the people int eh city of Maiduguri. To what we know now, only 7 of these run aways have been recaptured. But that doesn’t change the fact that 276 criminals are running around lose, letting their presence scare the people of Nigeria. Prison Authorities have assured and urged citizens to continue their daily doings and to focus on not being alarmed. They plan on joining forces on other agencies to capture the remaining prison inmates This Incident truly highlights the security risks that these prisons in Nigeria has been facing. Does Nigeria need to face these problems and accept that they need prison updates? 

I do believe that countries and/or cities should be prepared for worst case scenarios, but I also know that cost money. Floods will always destroy all sorts of constructions, but i do feel like this major escape is way worse than authorities make it to be. We don’t know what these criminals are capable of, not to mention they are probably going to travel out of state in hopes of not getting caught. On the other hand, we could look at this at a positive view and say that they only want freedom and they they aren’t all murder crazed weirdos. But the chances looking at this is not looking good. 

The people of Nigeria, especially in the city of Maiduguri, are quite nervous. I haven’t found any direct interviews with the citizens of Nigeria, but it is quite stressful to hear that not only do they have to worry about their safety but also dealing with this flood. After even looking at some of the pictures of the flood, Nigeria truly does look like lake with just house tops. All product and activity is, no question, on hold until they can rebuild and get things back to how they were. And who knows, maybe the flood slowed down these criminals and the police do have a hot lead on every one of these criminals. 

I’m not really sure how this connects to what we discuss in class, because we don’t really talk much about natural disasters. But I do know that the U.S. does recognize Nigeria. It is a current event that I found enticing and it may be a story that we wouldn’t talk about in class, especially since it doesn’t affect us or any foreign policies. It is not a story that really connects with class but still a very interesting topic about how disaster are bad but things can get worse. 

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