US & Mexico Diplomats Meet to Discuss Elements Economic & Trade Affairs

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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin, along with other US and Biden administrators, flew to Mexico City, Mexico to meet Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard in order to engage in “high level economic dialogue.” Both presidents of each country felt it was important to activate such discussions between their counterparts to strengthen their relationship with one another. Despite an overall positive engagement between nations, a dispute resurfaced between both parties over the Mexican energy policy; which the US had felt would limit US companies and potentially harm regional trade. However, Mexican president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, felt more understood in his decision made by “national sovereignty” by the US after receiving a personal letter from President Biden. Nonetheless, the US complaint could be the biggest concern under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

As bordering nations, Mexico and the US have engaged with each other for centuries. This push for a more positive relationship between them both is something that will help establish new grounds regarding trade, migration, and economic affairs. Still, the question of what will become of the USMNC (formally known as NAFTA) between the US, Mexico, and Canada since Mexico’s individual choice to prioritize the nation’s economy. NAFTA was originally established to grow trade in the North American region and create balanced trade within the US to financially support jobs. With Mexico taking a step away from that agreement, even slightly, it jeopardizes the system established for everyone involved.  

This relates back to what we discussed in class because it discusses IGOs and the part they play in the relationships between nations internationally regarding free trade and the regional economy.

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