U.S. lawmakers push for more action to help struggling Haiti


Gang violence, economic insecurity, and disease are plaguing Haiti in what U.S. lawmakers are calling a “threat to Haiti’s future”. The U.S. is proposing sanctions and restrictions on gang leaders and the wealthy political elites that support them. The sanctions are part of The Haiti Criminal Collusion Transparency Act of 2022, which will increase investigations into the relationship between gang members and the elite. 

Haiti and the United States have had good relations for years, and the United States-Haiti- bilateral cooperation ensures that Haiti will remain reliant on the U.S. for humanitarian assistance and that the U.S. will continue to help develop Haitian institutions. The U.S. sees Haiti as an investment; Haiti is a strong democratic ally in the Caribbean and the U.S. is their strongest trade partner. The relationship with Haiti right now seems to be unbalanced – the U.S. is giving more than they’re receiving in hopes that in the future, Haiti will reciprocate. It’s important that the U.S. has good relations with countries in close proximity as we shift away from a European and Middle Eastern reliance.

The relationship between the U.S. and Haiti is important because it exemplifies two solutions to the common good problem: reciprocity and identity. As of right now, the U.S is setting up a mutually beneficial relationship so that their future ties are strong; this is an example of reciprocity. I’ve read that the people U.S. and Haiti share strong connections, and while I don’t know how true that is, it would be an example of the Identity solution. 

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