Author Archives: mercysoly

Mexico discourages Venezuelans from forming caravans to cross into US

Link to Article Under a new scheme from the US, 24,000  Venezulaans will be given the chance to gain humanitarian access via aircraft as long as they file applications and have a US sponsor before reaching the border. Mexico officials publicly denounced the forming of caravans if hoping to cross the border into the US. This plan was established in… Read more »

US Congress Provide Support for Worsening Haiti Crisis

Link to Article  As Haiti’s humanitarian and safety crisis worsens, US congress members (both republican & democratic) agree it is time to offer help. The US believes that it is time that gangs and gang affiliated supporters in Haiti finally face repercussions and are held accountable for their actions of causing unsafe conditions for citizens. The Haiti Criminal Collusion Transparency… Read more »

Mexico files lawsuits against US gun manufacturers

Link to Article The country of Mexico has been filing ongoing complaints and lawsuits against US gun manufacturers as a result of increased gun violence & homicides within their borders. They believe that several US gun manufacturing companies are the reason dangerous gangs and drug cartels are in possession of military grade guns. For the most part, a majority of… Read more »

Russian Airlines Will Restart Flights to Cuba in October

Link to Article Prior to the War on Ukraine and during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Russian tourists were the most popular visitors to the Cuban islands. However once Putin invaded Ukraine in February, Europe had to stop all airline travel because of Russian Aircraft. The European Union later imposed sanctions that forbid Russian aircraft from traveling into EU airspace, which included… Read more »

US & Mexico Diplomats Meet to Discuss Elements Economic & Trade Affairs

Link to Article US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin, along with other US and Biden administrators, flew to Mexico City, Mexico to meet Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard in order to engage in “high level economic dialogue.” Both presidents of each country felt it was important to activate such discussions between their counterparts to strengthen their relationship with one another. Despite… Read more »

Colombia and Venezuela Agree to Reopen Shared Border

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Link to Article After years of tension, President Gustavo Petro of Columbia and President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela have agreed to reopen their shared border. Starting on September 26, both nations will allow cargo transport and commercial flights to cross between the borders that currently only allow pedestrian usage. Petro, elected into office in August, is working towards building back… Read more »