Doubts cast China will be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027

A senior U.S. intelligence official does not believe that China will not be able to reunify themselves with Taiwan by force on their self imposed deadline (2027). Many U.S. military officials have said that “Beijing’s own planning documents show President Xi Jinping has ordered the Chinese military to be ready to take Taiwan by force should efforts to reunify the island by other means fail.” in recent years. They also said that China’s military modernization and expansion efforts have been preparing for this deadline. But Dave Frederick, U.S. National Security Agency’s assistant deputy director for China, is not sure if they can meet the deadline.

This will have lasting impacts on not only the region but most of the world. If China invades Taiwan, China will have access to the major microchip manufacturers. China is one of the world’s largest microchip producers and many countries rely on these chips and if China takes control of it they will make a lot of money from selling them. However with the news that China might not be able to invade Taiwan by 2027, Taiwan will have more time to prepare and possibly try to become a recognized state. Although China will still apply military and economic pressure.

/This relates to our international relations class because of interstate warfare, recognized, and unrecognized states. China is a recognized state and Taiwan is not and most of the world sees Taiwan as a part of China. This is important because it means that no other state is likely to get involved because China will see it as getting involved in their state affairs which China will not like. We can not really predict if this will remain true though. If China were to use force to invade it is likely that other countries will send money and weapons to Taiwan to fight back against China. This is because China is a very strong country and other countries don’t want them to be stronger.

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