Elections in Afghanistan

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The Afghan government has just had an election for the first time since the end of the Taliban Rule when the United States invaded the State in 2001. The election is for the Afghanistan parliament which is composed of two houses. The upper house has veto power over the larger lower house. It is  similar to the United State’s Congress in that the house of Representatives is larger than the Senate and holds a closer connection to the people they represent. The Lower house and Upper house are composed of people elected from different districts in the State. The cities have multiple representatives and different seats in the house are reserved for different groups of people. There are now seats open for racial groups which is a big improvements in the country because now a larger and more diverse group of people will be represented in the government therefor making the government more democratic. There are also seats open for only women. This goes against tradition in the middle east because in the muslim religion women were not usually respected and had their rights withheld. Now women can influence the government and manipulate laws that rode alongside religious beliefs. The relations between the United States and Afghanistan would be better because we allowed this to happen. We got rid of the Taliban government and established a democracy. On the other hand however, the Taliban are bombing and shooting up voting booths making this election dangerous. The death toll is rising by the minute and some booths have been shut down because of security threats. This is a warning flag of what will come if the State becomes like the US. Lastly the Taliban if provoked to come to a peaceful conclusion at all, will want to have a say in the government and likely hold most of the power. This is not ideal because the Afghan people just got rid of them in the government and don’t want them back in it because of the destruction and authoritarianism they caused. This would also affect other countries because some countries will not want to interact with a terrorist government.

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