Analysis on “American’s Death Revives Evangelical Debate Over Extreme Missionary Work”

I don’t even know where to begin with this. People pushing their religion on other people who clearly are not interested is not a new thing, but this just takes it to a whole other level. I have a great amount of respect for people who have such strong faith in their beliefs but there is a fine line that this man just crossed. His intentions are admirable; he wanted to help people benefit like he did, but pushing your culture on others so clearly of a different belief system is too much. Chau, and other people like him, need to wake up and face facts. You cannot change something like peoples faith. And even if you could invading their home is not the way to do it. Yes things would be easier if we just all spoke the same language, used the same currency, and believed in the same Gods but that’s just not how it is. Diversity across the world is a good thing. People thinking in different ways is a good thing. I just don’t understand how some people feel the need to go out and try to change that. Religion is also a very personal subject. It’s something that everyone has a different definition of and that just makes this happening all the more intrusive. I do not believe John Chau deserved to die for his actions or his beliefs but you can’t just go into a situation like that and ignore the dangers. It’s like that couple that biked through ISIS territory. They had such faith in the “goodness in people” that they lost their lives. There are just so many other ways to promote your beliefs and values. We have this idea built up in our heads that, because of history, dying for your cause is admirable. Being a martyr for your cause draws attention to the subject but if everyone dies for their cause then there’s no one left to talk about it.

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