“Trump emboldened indias anti-muslim agenda, human rights chief says”

The prime minister of India, Narrendra Modi, who has a long history of anti-muslim values and actions, has passed a law offering amnesty to surrounding countries, but not those that are primarily muslim. In addition to this, Modi has taken away some power from the region Kashmir, the main region in India with a majority Muslim population. This bill is a prime example of the systematic oppression that Muslims face in India everyday. 

This article also discusses President Trumps’ uninterest in calling out any human rights, particularly if they originate from a country that he doesn’t consider an adversary/enemy. I find it really concerning that someone such as Modi, who has been banned in some countries for being so anti-muslim, can hold so much power and affect an entire country based on his views. I think that religion is something that should always be protected no matter what, even if you don’t have the same views. With the war on terror, I think that an important thing that we can do to help curb discrimination and hate against Muslims is to educate more on the Islamic faith and the different sects. I feel like most people have a natural fear of things different than what they are used to or what they know, and if people were more educated about other faiths they wouldn’t be so discriminatory towards other religions.

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