Treatment of children in India

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The article that I want to talk about describes the treatment of a group of girls in a school in India. When I was reading the article, I honestly became disappointed in human beings. Not only is sexual harassment terrible and disgusting at any age, but the fact that it is occuring in schools with 12 and 14 year olds is just devastating. I’m really upset by the behavior of the boys especially since they are young and I’m just not able to comprehend why they feel that it is necessary to act that way. But the one thing that disgusts me the most is the involvement of the parents once they found out that their children’s advances were rebuked. Adults are supposed to be mature and respectful especially to adolescent and the idea that grown adults helped their children beat up girls that were just defending themselves is really upsetting and disappointing. I am just unable to grasp the concept of allowing and supporting your child to sexually harass young girls at any age and the idea that this is happening to kids who are equivalent in age to our middle schoolers is unfortunate. I believe that situations like this force children to lose their childhood; forcing them to grow up too fast and experience things that no one should ever have to experience.This incident however shows our contrasting lifestyles and beliefs. Here I am talking about how terrible I think this situation is, but it could be something that is more common in India. The article continues to talk about how the school that is experiencing these incidents is a poorer school and more vulnerable to sexual harassment, but personally I don’t think that is an excuse for this behavior. I’m not blaming the school. area, or country specifically, I’m blaming the negative side of the human race for not being able to be controlled. Humans are responsible for their own actions and parents are responsible for raising their kids properly. Overall, based on this article the human population is not living up to my expectations.


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