Peace In Afghanistan

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Afghanistan has long been racked with terror, corrupt governments and very unsafe lands. The Taliban emerged after The Soviet Union left northern Pakistan at the end of The Cold War. They quickly grew in 5 years to where, in 1995, they bombed Kabul, Afghanistan to try and take control of the country. They failed in this attempt and tried again next year and successfully established The Taliban Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, this was detrimental to Afghan citizens. They held control in Afghanistan until 2001, and since that time have constantly terrorized the government in an effort to regain control. So the question has to be posed, will Afghanistan ever experience a time where peace is present and The Taliban are not?

In the latest attack The Taliban planted a bomb inside of a car and then drove it to a security contractors house and detonated the bomb, this comes amidst talks of peace driven by the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani. The talks are said to be moving onward despite the tragedy. The European Union has vowed $435 million dollars to aid these talks.

I personally do not believe that middle eastern countries will ever see complete peace from terrorist organizations. The two sects of Islam do not share many commonalities and neither call for peace against each other. Christians experienced this hundreds of years ago but overcame the differences and now live in harmony. One can hope that Sunni and Shia muslims will soon come to terms with the differences and stop killing each other in order to gain power. The death tolls continue to rise with no end in sight and The Taliban seems as power hungry as ever. The presence of trillions worth of resources in oil and natural gas does not help the fact, considering that all islamic branches want to be in control and be in power.

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