Afghan refugees forced to leave Pakistan say they have nothing

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Pakistan has begun deporting thousands of Afghan refugees including those with valid IDs given out by the Pakistan government in previous years. Even some families that have been living there for decades and contributing to the work force of Pakistan’s economy. Over 200,000 have already been deported in the past two months. Human rights groups including Amnesty International and the UNHCR warning people that returning to Afghanistan comes with many risks especially for women, Former officials, and minorities. With Afghanistan’s crippling economy and the danger of the taliban a terrorist group in control of their country.

The situation highlights the complex challenges Pakistan faces in balancing their national interests and humanistic beliefs. Pakistan is enforcing the immigration laws it has but with the cost of many lives and causing Afghans to lose everything. This will create more strain on the Afghan economy with all these returning refugees that need a job and place to live. Now this huge disruption that can also affect the pakistan’s economy with many of the society contributors being afghan refugees. Women returning to Afghanistan are being stripped of their rights. Blocking basic access to be able to shop alone, even the chance to walk in a park, play a sport, or enjoy nature is being stripped away from Afghanistan’s women and girls. Women who protest these violations face terrible consequences including enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention, and torture.

The conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan have implications that affect the whole world. Pakistan is under pressure to keep its economy thriving but feels like expelling refugees is the best option. The United Nations, an IGO with 193 active members, does not agree with deporting the refugees because it brings an uprising in tension between the countries. The Humanitarian crises will begin to worsen with moving all these people back to a country that has very little stability. Well the aid that is supposed to help these people is spread very thin already helping other nations problems.

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