Author Archives: braiclynbreese

US military confirms $300m cut in aid to Pakistan

The US has confirmed it will cut $300m in aid to Pakistan over its perceived failure to tackle militant groups, ratcheting up the tension in a deeply strained relationship ahead of a visit to Islamabad by the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, on Wednesday. The so-called Coalition Support Fund was suspended earlier this year after Donald Trump tweeted that the… Read more »

Pakistan’s Imran Khan pledges citizenship for 1.5m Afghan refugees

Imran Khan, prime minister of Pakistan, has pledged to grant citizenship to all Afghan refugees whose children have been raised and born in Pakistan. Refugees fleeing the soviet invasion in 1979 and those crossing over the border in order to escape violence and economic turmoil have caused Pakistan to have the largest refugee population in the world, 2.7 million according… Read more »

Pakistan’s Imran Khan pledges citizenship for 1.5m Afghan refugees

Imran Khan has pledged to grant citizenship to 1.5 million Afghan refugees who have lived on the margins of Pakistan’s society for decades. According to the UN, Pakistan has the largest refugee population in the world, mostly made up of 2.7 million refugees from Afghanistan. Many fled the Soviet invasion in 1979, while others came across the border due to… Read more »