Tag Archives: Rohingya

Bangladesh army arrives in Rohingya refugee camps as repatriations loom

Plans to send Rohingya refugees back to Myanmar on Thursday have gathered momentum, with reports of Bangladesh armed forces gathering in the Cox’s Bazar camps and allegations that refugees have been assaulted by the authorities for refusing to cooperate.

Rohingya children facing ‘hell on earth’ after fleeing Burma, says UNICEF

France 24 UNICEF says the children who make up most of the nearly 600,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled violence in Myanmar are seeing a “hell on earth” in overcrowded, muddy and squalid refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh. The U.N. children’s agency has issued a report that documents the plight of children who account for 58 percent of the refugees who have… Read more »

Is India contributing to the Rohingya catastrophe?

Al Jazeera In March 1959, the spiritual head of the Tibetans, the then 24-year-old Dalai Lama, with a rifle slung over his shoulder, made a dramatic escape on horseback from the Potala Palace in Lhasa. Assisted by Tibetans resisting China, he crossed into Tawang in India’s then North East Frontier Agency (NEFA, now in Arunachal Pradesh). At the border, waiting… Read more »

Rohingya exodus from Burma tops 500,000

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France 24 He trekked to Bangladesh as part of an exodus of a half million people from Myanmar, the largest refugee crisis to hit Asia in decades. But after climbing out of a boat on a creek on Friday, Mohamed Rafiq could go no further. He collapsed onto a muddy spit of land cradling his wife in his lap   a… Read more »