Revolt takes place at Venezuela prison

It is being reported that as of Thursday night, a Caracas jail is being faced head on with a revolt, orchestrated by political prisoners. Over 300 political prisoners are serving as inmates there, and an uprising occured following one of said prisoners being beaten. El Helicode (the prison’s name), is currently the capital of the secret service, and it is being reported that the prisoners now control a section of the prison. There’s no official word as to what exactly happened, but it was said that Gregory Sanabria was beaten up by an non-political prisoner. Sanabria was a student that was held prisoner after taking part in a mass anti-government protest back in 2014. Sanabria’s trial is actually still pending. A picture of his very swollen face was the key to the riots ignition. The hope is that all the political prisoners wrongfully put in will be released.

A video was released of Joshua Holt, a US citizen who has been detained for 2 years pending trial for suspicion of weapons. Holt was in Venezuela to marry his girlfriend. The video released during the uprising was Mr. Holt crying out for help, as the events could potentially be life-threatening. This is just one of the many things that brings the problems in Venezuela to light.

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