Borderlands: Auto parts factories creating 700 jobs in Mexico

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In this article, there are three main stories that it covers. The first being about a new auto parts plant, creating more manufacturing jobs in Mexico. Auto parts maker Premium Guard Inc. (PGI), announced along with other facilities that will be expanding in existing facilities. ¨The projects will generate about $60 million in foreign direct investment for the Mexican economy and create 695 new jobs.¨ This is really good for Mexico economy, and gives job opportunities to Mexican citizens. The second main point that the article covers is how FedEx Express completes $3M expansion in Querétaro. Querétaro, a city in Mexico, recently expanded its operations at the Querétaro International Airport in Mexico. FedEx is increasing their routes over 110 new places including the states of Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Zacatecas and Mexico. In addition, it adds 173 new jobs for people due to their expansion. Finally, the last point covers how Agents stop over 200 people being smuggled in commercial trailers. ¨In three separate incidents in South Texas, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reportedly discovered more than 200 people being trafficked in commercial trailers arriving from Mexico.¨

I think it is really good on the different companies that are expanding their businesses in Mexico, creating more jobs. Because they are expanding, hopefully in the future they continue, making the unemployment rate decline in Mexico. Also, because there is more of an influence on the automobile industry expanding, as well FedEx, hopefully there will be a stronger relationship between the U.S and Mexico. Unfortunately, there is an increasing issue, especially when a lot of businesses have imports going into the U.S, there comes a down side, in this case commercial trailers. Due to this being an arising issue, I believe there should be more check points when crossing borders or state lines, higher the amount of guards at each post, creating more jobs, and increasing the technology used to check vehicles. Doing this, it creates less loop holes for people with the wrong intentions.

This article relates back to class when talking about international economics and development. With many businesses that have originated in other countries, but expanding in others it allows the development of relations between other countries to be made. As well as because of more jobs being increased, as well as more companies expanding it helps out the economics of the country, and in this case Mexico.

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