No internet: Lockdown worsens Argentina’s educational inequality

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As Argentina registers a record number of COVID-19 cases — 35,000 for the third straight day — a new lockdown announced on Thursday is once again sending all students home, making the question of how to ensure everyone can learn more urgent than ever. Kids who live in poor income homes do not have the technology or the internet to participate in online schools thus exposing just how far the inequality gap reaches in education, pushing those who live in poor income homes further away from the education they deserve to have. “Today, education is a privilege,” Ramos, a low income student with no internet and only a phone that she shares with her brother, said. “For it to not be a privilege, we need tools, which would be Wi-Fi and a computer.”

This is just another example of the privilege that I as a student in America gets to have. When we went into lockdown every student already had a school issued computer to use when stuck in home and almost every kid had access to the internet. Now, these kids who have no computers or internet have to stay at home and not get the education, also something that kids in america have the privilege of having, that they so desperately want. It is very eye opening to see the struggle that kids all around the world face when it comes to school, when it is something that every kid in america gets, for free.  

As nationalism remains the most powerful ideology, Argentina will struggle to find help from its surrounding countries due to the fact that they are facing the same type of issues. Brazil is currently having a second wave of Covid-19 as well, therefore they are having the same issues that kids in Argentina are having making them unable to help others as they focus on their own nation; the same way that Argentina is.

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