U.S. calls for examination into cause of jailed former Venezuelan minister’s death

Link to Article: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/us-calls-examination-into-cause-jailed-former-venezuelan-ministers-death-2021-10-14/

The United States Department of State is calling on the Venezuelan government to investigate and release a report on the death of political prisoner Raul Baduel. Recently, Venezuela’s attorney general announced Baduel died of cardiorespiratory failure associated with COVID-19. His family are skeptical of the cause of death, saying Baduel received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Both the United States and the United Nations Human Rights office have called on Venezuela to investigate and be transparent with the circumstances of Baduel’s death. Baduel was the former minister of defense for Venezuela, however, he fell out with the Venezuelan government, and has been jailed twice. After he “fell out” with the socialist party, Baduel was jailed in 2009 on charges of corruption. He was originally placed on house arrest, however,  he was incarcerated again in 2017 for what was described as conspiring against President Maduro. Baduel’s son was also jailed in 2020 for allegedly taking part in an attempt to oust Venezuelan President Maduro. A United States Department of State official described the event as an example of “the deplorable conditions Venezuelan political prisoners” face. The United States is calling upon Venezuela to unconditionally release all political prisoners.

The circumstances of Baduel’s death are rather suspicious. Although the COVID vaccine does not completely prevent death from COVID, and Baduel only received one dose, it is likely that his death was not related to COVID at all, or likely he did not receive appropriate care for his illness. With Baduel and his son’s seemingly arbitrary arrests, and the record of the Venezuelan government, mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of an opposition figure can be reasonably assumed to be related to the government; eliminating a prominent figure opposing President Maduro would be advantageous to the country’s ruling party. This situation requires more action from the UN and possibly CELAC. Without releasing information about circumstances of suspicious deaths, not responding to Venezuela is a moral issue as well as a possible threat to the national security of many nations, should state department workers travel there. 

This situation requires an analysis using multiple levels of analysis. Regionally, Venezuela has some contentious relations with fellow members of trading bloc CELAC. Brazil’s president condemned Venezuela for its authoritarian regime, which is important to understand when analyzing the situation. Additionally, domestic issues in Venezuela, such as high poverty rates and a poor economy must be analyzed to fully grasp the tensions in the area, and how Venezuela is attempting to silence opposition to its socialist rule. This does not heavily involve IGOs, however, the UN Council on Human Rights has expressed concern, and it is possible they might take a more assertive role if the situation becomes more suspicious.

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