Biden to host Canada’s Trudeau, López Obrador at White House

President Biden is bringing back the annual “3 leaders” talk. Before the Trump administration put a stop to the annual meeting, the 3 leaders of Canada, The United States, and Mexico would come together to strengthen relationships and work together on issues that needed to be resolved. The White House on Wednesday announced plans for the Nov. 18 summit with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, calling the return of the meeting as a chance for the countries to “revitalize our leadership.” Mexico Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said López Obrador would raise his concerns about the uneven distribution of vaccines. Trudeau’s office said priorities would include “finishing the fight against COVID-19, getting the job done on vaccines, tackling the climate crisis, creating new middle class jobs, building an economic recovery that works for everyone, and migration.”

I chose this article because the relations between these 3 countries took a turn for the worse in 2016 with the Americans taking a more “We dont need anyones besides ourselves” approach. The new administration is adamant about reviving these relationships and working together as 3. The reason this could have a long lasting impact is because with the revived relationships come better trade agreements, better tourism, free flowing borders, medical support, and much more that could benefit all 3 countries. My thoughts on this event is that its a great opportunity to try and fix the bridges that were burned down between the countries. There will be more to say when we see how these 3 leaders work with eachother and how much of their national interest they are willing to sacrifice to work together for a greater good.

This is the definition of International Relations and the basics of what we learn in class. The relations between these 3 countries have fluctuated since the beginning. Recently weve seen the relations go down and now we are in the middle of our leader trying to revitilize and more or less “fix” what was broken. Once the meeting has gone down we can analyze who is willing to sacrifice a little for a more greater good. We could also see which leader is being too selfish in this new relationship. Im excited to see what comes of this and am glad to be part of a country who wants to work together/help others.

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