Under pressure over energy plan, Mexico president suggests pausing relations with Spain

Article Link: https://www.reuters.com/world/mexican-president-suggests-pausing-relations-with-spain-2022-02-09/

Recent disputes between Spain and Mexico over an energy plan have led to pieces of tension between the two countries. There is a situation where it is believed that Mexico rigged the energy market in favor of them. This has sparked the interest of Spain and they are looking to do more research into the topic. Lopez Obrador of Mexico believes it is best that Mexico and Spain halt any discussions or any relationships now and in the future. Alabres of Spain described the actions of Mexico as “sudden.” It is unclear at this time what the next steps will be in the energy plan or between Mexico’s and Spain’s relationship.

It is interesting to me that Mexico and Spain are halting their relationship over an energy plan. There are more issues to address besides energy and cooperation over those issues is the best way to help them. Mexico has had some sketchy moments in the past though. For example, in a three-way trade deal between Mexico, Canada, and the United States, Mexico negotiated a little too strong so they would get the better end of the deal. Mexico is a country to keep an eye on since they are a bordering country with the United States, but are trying to get away with bending the rules.

Mexico is flirty with danger recently. In my eyes, they are trying to hide from the fact that they are somewhat controlled by the United States. If they act up or start negotiating with rival countries such as China or Russia, the United States will make Mexico aware that that is not going too well for them. Mexico does not like seeing the United States on top in a unipolar system. It would not surprise me to see in the future for Mexico to make more moves to try to take off some power that the United States holds right now.

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