US migrant policy ‘bucket of cold water’ to some Venezuelans

Joe Biden’s enforcement of a pandemic rule is reminiscent of Trump-era policies for millions of Venezuelan migrants fleeing socio-economic insecurity, violence, and a dictatorial regime. As of august, Venezuela has the second-highest number of migrants coming to the U.S. in search of asylum, just behind Mexico. The new U.S. policy states that only 25,000 migrants will be able to legally enter the U.S., and only by plane. Many migrants have already given up their livelihoods and begun the voyage by foot or car, and a policy such as this has created an incredibly large obstacle. Many have decided to end their journey; there’s an extremely small chance of receiving a visa, and even the lucky ones who do are given a very conditional humanitarian permit.

One of Joe Biden’s biggest criticisms of Donald Trump was his flawed immigration policies; for him to step back on that and create a system that only allows in the wealthier migrants who can afford a plane ticket is palpably hypocritical. In my opinion, a country with as much influence as the United States should be following through with their promises. During the Rwandan Genocide, the U.S. squirmed out of sending help by claiming there were “acts of genocide” taking place, rather than the actual genocide that it was. This is simply another occasion of the United States claiming something is what it’s not in order to offer less aid. 

This relates to class because it’s an example of the common good problem. Human rights are ignored when a country only has their own interests in mind. 

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