Monthly Archives: May 2024

China and US Envoys Will Hold First Top-Level Dialogue On Artificial Intelligence High level officials from both China and the United States are set to meet in Geneva to talk about AI, otherwise known as artificial intelligence. They plan to converse about regulations that could be set, ensuring a standard for the use of AI and ways to mitigate risk. Both China and the United States recognize the threats that artificial… Read more »

Man’s Best Friend, Foxes? In Patagonia, Argentina a grave site was excavated by researchers where they found human remains with not a dog, but a fox buried next to him. The remains are noted to be over 1,500 years old, humans and dogs have had a long history but when analyzing this connection it seems a group of hunter-gatherers found their bond with… Read more »

Ecuador’s Struggle with Violent Gangs and Relations with Mexico In recent news, the people of Ecuador have voted to grant the president, Daniel Noboa, more power considering the increasing conflicts. He plans to deploy soldiers to fight drug crimes and criminals out of state, and the other conflicts and gang-related crimes in the region have now influenced the once-peaceful country. During a referendum on Sunday, the proposal… Read more »

An Underwater Oasis off the Coast of South America The underwater mountains off the coast of Chile are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems scientists have ever seen. Researchers who have been exploring said ecosystems have found almost 50 species that are possibly new to the scientific community. The most notable being the squat lobster, an animal in the same family as hermit crabs; they also found bright… Read more »

Campus Protests Give Russia, China and Iran Fuel to Exploit U.S. Divide With campuses’ across the United States protesting the United States’ stance in the Israel-Palestine war, China, Russia, Iran have the capability to add to the United States’ pressure. Since much of the world, including the majority of these protests, is online it makes it exponentially easier for the United States’ rivals to get involved in domestic affairs and add… Read more »

Russia says United States is being hypocritical over ICC and Israel Russia is claiming that the United States is using the ICC, the international criminal court, to taint Russia’s reputation. Russia also claims that the United States is being hypocritical by objecting to an investigation of the Israel-Palestine war, given that the United States fully supported an investigation into the Ukraine-Russia war. The United States’ responded with the accusation by… Read more »