The Colombian FARC(E)

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The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also known as FARC, have been a major player in the instability found in Colombia since their founding in 1964. They were founded on Marxist principles and have promoted anti- imperialism. They have used aggression tactics against the Colombian government including terrorism. A 52 year long civil war in Colombia, between FARC and the legitimate government, that had claimed over 200,000 lives, had seemingly reached an end in recent weeks as a ceasefire was agreed upon and a peace agreement was drafted. Most analysts thought that the agreement would end the tensions between the two parties. However, after a vote on October 2nd, 50.21% of voters voted no and the deal was shot down. This is the latest in a recent trend of international pollsters incorrectly predicting the outcome of major events such as the Brexit and Netanyahu’s reelection bid. Those voting no felt that FARC leaders must serve time in prison, should be required to pay compensation to victims with money that they illicitly gained, should be barred from running for public office, and that the Colombian constitution should not be changed. Those wishing to approve the deal hoped to end a long and bloody conflict in an offer that was beneficial to both sides. Now that the deal has been shot down, the Colombian government has been scrambling to recover what it can in hopes of making a new deal before the end of the ceasefire. Should no deal be salvaged, it is likely that the conflict will continue to claim the lives of many Colombians as well as resulting in pressure from the European Union on Colombia. This seems to be yet another entry into a list of worldwide dissatisfaction with governments that has led to a British exit of the European Union and that shows itself in the American presidential race.

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