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Of my four articles, the one that resonated with me the most was the “Scared by Trump, some migrants on Mexico border give up American dream” article. Born from an immigrant family and having actually driven across the border when I’ve gone to vacation in Mexico, I have gotten the chance to see just how much the American Dream means to many immigrants at the border. Many leave their own native countries in hopes of a better life here in the United States, though now with the outcome of our recent election that may change. President-Elect Donald Trump has made promises on deporting millions of illegal immigrants and even build a wall between the Mexico-United States border. With these allegations, many immigrants looking for that American Dream have begun to only view it as a dream instead of making it a reality. They have lost hope in coming to the US especially with the chance of being deported back after making all the hard work to get there in the first place. It is very understandable why many immigrants feel this way. There is much uncertainty surrounding the president-elect since many are not sure just how he is going to go about immigration once he gets inaugurated into office. What has been said is only that, statements and comments Trump has made during his campaign but that does not mean it will become reality. He has promised to make these true but all the deportation and the wall will cost money and just how much will affect whether or not Congress will back Trump in actually going along with these statements. I feel that the immigrants at the border should not lose hope over the election of Trump. It is true he does not feel strongly about illegal immigration but that is exactly it, he has a reason to not agree with it. There is a reason it has the word “illegal” before it. I agree that conditions in the native countries of the immigrants are not favorable but that does not mean you illegally force your way into another country. That country has its own way of dealing with immigration and will be looking out for their interest first, which is all understandable. Instead of criticizing the Trump’s allegations or the Americans’ choice of president, the immigrants should look into entering the country legally. Not only will it make trying to achieve the better life they dream of easier it will also ease some of that fear immigrants have on deportation. If you are legal why would you be deported. Trump has only said he would deport illegal immigrants which is understandable since they did not actually enter the US with the consent of the government. People should stop being babies about the situations and looking into getting a worker’s visa or a residency card. It does not take much to get the papers filled out. You just have to be patient in getting the result which is why many decide to not wait. They want to get across quickly but what good are you to your family if you die during the dangerous journey or get caught and possibly face jail time for entering illegally. Many of my relatives from El Salvador and Mexico are in this country but they are here legally and I am thankful for that. I know other families are now fearful about the future but it is a choice you made when you entered illegally. With or without Trump winning it would not change the fact that an illegal immigrant is an illegal immigrant. It is just that Trump is cracking down on the immigration but should all those immigrants have been in the US in the first place? How fair is it to those who are waiting to get accepted for a visa?

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