Analysis Post 3

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In El Salvador, they are starting a program that with melt down guns and use them for anti-violence programs. I think is a smart idea that will take something bad and turn it into something good. With the growing gang violence in El Salvador, it has become a social norm to own a firearm. Most guns are purchased using the black market, making the tracking of the weapons extremely difficult. With this Swedish program they hope to use the melted ingots, guns, and bullets to provide metal for special programs that will benefit children and young adults growing up in a violent environment. Though El Salvador has cracked down on countless gun control laws; the deaths by firearm have only grown to surpass Chicago and Washington D.C. This horrifying fact proves that these laws will do nothing to remove violence in the country. With the formation of these programs they hope to stop the violence before it starts. The Swedish company itself will not be melting the guns down, rather the government will do so and the company will serve to distribute the metal. They are not interested to in selling the metal to commercial businesses but are open to the idea of using the metal to make phones and other products. This program may not serve as a long term solution but it is a start to finding a way to regulate these horrific crimes. These programs are good start but the government should act on the laws they have already put in place. They need to look into the bribery affiliated with gangs and police departments. Then the should also start cracking down on gang violence proving to the El Salvadorian people that they are doing everything in their power to keep the people safe.

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