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In the article Cuba wants to sign accords with U.S before Obama exit, it is all about how Cuba is in the process of trying to close 12 deals with the U.S all in Obama’s final weeks as President. This is already huge since two years ago, Obama re-establish relations with Cuba. These two countries have had a long history of hostility towards one another, which is understandable with the difference in governments. Though now, both Cuba and the US are trying to better the relationship between the two countries. Over the last two years, Obama has made many deals that have improved our relations with Cuba. The biggest being lifting the embargo John F. Kennedy had placed during his presidency. Though this new relationship can soon be coming to a difficult position under a new president. Right now many Cubans find it important to close these deals with the US before the president elect Donald Trump takes office, especially since he has threatened to reverse much of the relationship between Cuba and US. I understand why Cuba wants to make these deals now since they will be hard reverse the more they are passed, but it would be more beneficial if they could create a better relationship under the new president. That way, the US and Cuba will be under good terms for the next four years and there won’t be conflict between Trump and Cuba over disagreements on past deals made. Cuba and US have already made huge progress with slowly ending the hostility they had for each other. It seems very undermining to try to make it almost impossible for the new president to reverse something he doesn’t agree with. Each president has a way they want to run the country and should be given that chance to. Cuba and the US should try to come to an understanding once Trump takes office. That way there won’t be tensions over the next four years and it would show the Cubans and Americans that they don’t have to fear possible actions to reverse these deals.

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