Analysis Post

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For this week’s regional report, I really found the article “Behind fence, Mexico’s notorious Juarez is wary of Trump’s wall” to be the most interesting out of my four articles. I was really interested in this since it kind of goes with our unit right now on boundaries. I knew already that Mexico and the United States has fences up in certain parts of the border between the two countries. I also knew about our president-elect, Donald Trump’s, comment on turning that fence into a tall wall. Just based on that comment I can see why those from Mexico are wary on what the wall could mean for their country. Relationship between Mexico and the US can become a bit problematic, not to the point of any war, but it still could cause a strain on how the countries leaders will now interact with each other. Especially since right now there is conflict on where the funds for this wall are supposed to come from; since Trump states Mexico will pay for it and Mexico president Enrique Peña Nieto, stated that Mexico will do no such thing. Despite, this people are still thinking about what the future with a wall will be like. Many, like some of those in the article, state that maybe with restrictions on drugs crossing the border it will allow border cities like Cuidad Juarez have less drug trafficking around since the cartels will look for easier points in the border to cross their product. While this is something that was brought to my eyes after reading this article, I don’t believe it will always be true. And even if it is, just what will happen to the border cities if those who can’t get over stay in the cities with resent, especially the drug cartels. They just might sell to those in Mexico and violence might rise in cities like Ciudad Juarez, not that it hasn’t already. I mean, yes there are problems with drug trafficking and violence coming from the border but can the wall really help with those problems. It might slow the process down but I’m sure that those who are really against the wall will try to get across, especially if it is a means of profit for them. Drug cartels are not people that are up for loss of profit so while the wall might seem like it could help relieve the drug problem it is not for sure just if it will. If both countries really want to fix the drug and violence problem, they should close off the problem for only one country to deal with it. It does the US no good for the country that shares a border with it to fall to violence and drugs. Both countries should step up and come up will a solution to the whole situation in which both countries will benefit.

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