analysis post: Anger at response to Mexico earthquake could bring political aftershocks

This is probably something that would be really common anywhere in a good first world country. They are all probably looking at someone to blame, this earthquake has left over 300 people homeless. I will admit that I do think that some politicians are going to try and take tremendous advantage of the earthquake situation, but I don’t think that all of them will. I know Mexico has had a rough time with corruption, considering its economy and the everlasting war with drug cartels. But to the most part, these people want someone to put the pressure on so that they can blame whatever situation their in on some big figure and not just “life”. They think that because he’s a politician that he is almost immune to any criticism that he gets, they are acting more like their figures and not that in reality their just people, like the rest of us. I know that this situation is only going to get worse before it gets better because that usually how it goes in life. But the thing that I find most curious is why people are now starting to focus on each other and not the situation that has just been handed to them. When people start to work together, their are always a few who just want to stir up trouble.

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