Donald Trump’s China Visit [Analysis]

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Donald Trump visits China for the first time, and meets with President Xi Jingping. It is clear that Trump can call that visit a success. President Trump and Jingping have evidently gotten along swimmingly, and covered many important international controversies such as the North Korean missile epidemic. In my opinion, I think it’s fantastic that we’re establishing such good relations with Jingping. We’re establishing a foundation for a future of good relations with China, and with that could come stronger economic ties, and potential military alliances. I hesitate to call them allies anytime soon, because of the differences in our government ideals. In a press conference, Trump addressed that he and Jingping discussed North Korea, and a consensus was formed in favor of both the US and China. Both countries have agreed to exert a substantial amount of pressure on Kim Jong Un and his administration in an attempt to undermine his regime. It’s up to Trump and Jingping to execute their promises, and see how it will affect the North Korea situation.

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