Analysis Post: Death of Democracy

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In the past year in Venezuela the very fabric of their democracy has begun to unravel. Nicolas Maduro has turned the once thriving South American country into his own personal dominion. Creating to what is now amounting to a dictatorship trying to disguise itself as a democracy. Despite the attempts of the citizenry to combat this takeover they have been able to do next to nothing. By corrupting the democratic process Maduro has formed an almost impenetrable wall around his regime, making the supposed natural transition of power now directly under his control. Fore, if he can not be voted out of office by the people, that must mean he has their support. Any attempt at resistance against his government would therefore be unjustified. This due to the Maduro regime being able to claim governmental legitimacy based on majority vote, even though there would’ve been clear tampering with election results.


Recently Maduro has made moves to further strength his control over Venezuela.This would be done by adding judicial, legislative, and municipal seats in the government. According to the opposition party and really any one who can solve a basic puzzle these will be “fraudulent and illegitimate.” Maduro’s “democratic renewal” might be the final nail in the coffin for the Venezuelan democratic system.

Its horrifying to see a blue print on how to destroy a democracy. All I can think is that if can happen to a country, even one as small as Venezuela, then a similar democratic assassination can happen anywhere. More than anything else, more than North Korea or terrorist attacks, I am afraid of this when it attacks a democracy. When people sit idle for too long and allow for the complete seizing of power. A once proud country has been decimated and I can only hope a virus like Maduro doesn’t spread to another democratic nation.


Usually having the CIA take out dictators is bad and I am against the practice of covertly overthrowing governments. However…there are always exceptions…


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