Analysis on Brazil’s far-right Bolsonaro wins first round of presidential election

Jair Bolsonaro has been referred to the “Trump of Brazil” in many news articles. I agree that that’s a fitting comparison. Even with his beliefs and tactics aside, Bolsonaro is similar to Donald Trump because of his election. The people of Brazil either hate or love Bolsonaro, his election will lead to protests political unrest within the people of Brazil. However, like Trump, Bolsonaro followers will be fiercely loyal to their new president.

It is also fair to compare Bolsonaro to Trump because of his demeanor. Bolsonaro is known for making crude comments to and about women and even provoked so much disgust that the women of his country started a movement against him. It’s safe to say that Trump has a similar relationship with the young women of the United States.

The outcome of the election in Brazil with bring people together on both sides, but also divide the country. It’s possible that the country will be dealing with even more political unrest now than it was during the campaigns.

If the next year for Brazil goes anything like it did for the United States it’s safe to say that the conflict in Brazil will just get worse, but not just because of the controversy. The actual government and laws of Brazil will change as well. Women and minorities risk the loss of fundamental rights.

It’s not exactly promising that Bolsonaros popularity rose after the attack on him during a campaign event. Either the people of Brazil gave him a pity vote, or they want someone whos a “fighter”. Neither of these reasons express an actual desire for Bolsonaro to be president.

In my opinion Bolsonaro was the worst possible choice for a resident. Political figures should be widely respected and not cause more unrest than unity in their country. His election just brings about the issue of whether or not Brazil will go under and if so, will other countries be housing more refugees soon?


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