Analysis Post by Abby Parkinson

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In my article entitled, Chile Unveils Electric Car Fleet To Transport President, Cabinet it describes the new use of electric cars in Chile. The president of Chile is really pushing for electric cars because of the availability of resources and they are better for the environment. Chile’s main resource they export is copper, which is used in electric cars. So that means it would be beneficial to the copper industry in Chile and also the cars would be cheaper to make in Chile because they don’t have to import the main resource used to make electric cars. This would be a great addition to the Chilean economy because it would bring in a ton of profit from countries who want electric cars. Chile could trade these cars to countries who don’t have access to copper or lithium, which is used in electric cars and Chile has a lot of it. Environmental issues are very relevant right now and a lot of countries are striving to be more green and reduce their carbon footprint.European countries such as, Finland, France, and Germany are trying to reduce their carbon emissions by changing their sources of energy and banning plastic cups and plates which are very harmful for the environment. I support the Chilean president for advocating for greener transportation because it is so important for the environment. Other countries will see Chile’s new outlook on electric cars and countries will want them, which will help the Chilean economy.  These countries are very powerful and other countries will see that their focus is on the environment and hopefully they will inspire other countries to be more green. We don’t have much more time before we hit the ecological tipping point which is when humans can do nothing to save the environment from climate change. We need to encourage more things such as electric cars to improve our environment and avoid hitting the tipping point.

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