Brazil’s president-elect calls for unity among gov’t branches

BRASILIA, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) — Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday called for unity among different branches of government so that he can govern more effectively.

With Supreme Federal Court (STF) President Antonio Dias Toffoli standing by his side, Bolsonaro said the executive, legislative and judicial branches should work together to pass key legislations.

“We face great challenges, but with the unity of authorities alongside the people, we have the conditions to find options,” said Bolsonaro, who will take office in January.

He said that along with lowering the crime rate, the need to pass pension reform to reduce the budget deficit is among those challenges.

Toffoli said the president-elect, whose election campaign raised fears that the incoming government might flout the laws to achieve its objectives, would abide by the Constitution.

“On behalf of the STF, we are honored by his desire to maintain a dialogue (with the other branches),” Toffoli said. “I am certain that this gesture of respect for the Constitution and the institutions will renew our democracy.”

The president-elect arrived in Brasilia on Tuesday to visit Congress, where he served for nearly three decades as a conservative legislator, and met with the commanders of the army, navy and air force, and the head of the Superior Court of Justice, Joao Noronha, as well as Toffoli.

He also met with outgoing President Michel Temer to officially begin the transition process.

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