Analysis Post #2

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Until very recently, the ‘migrant caravan’ the Trump spoke of so negatively seemed like just a rumor to me, a way for the president to scare his already xenophobic base into supporting him even more. But now, as it’s beginning to reach the US border, I’ve realized it’s a real thing. Aside from my posted articles, I’ve done even more reading on the crisis in Venezuela, and what’s happening is absolutely devastating; food shortages are affecting every 1 in 12 people in the country. Not only is the current Venezuelan presidential administration ignoring it, but the US president is planning to meet these desperate, starving people with military force at the border in an effort to keep them out.

Not to say that three million people should be able to flow freely across the border, but someone needs to take them in and help them. The US is one of the most able countries in the world to accept refugees, and yet for some reason, whether it be racism, xenophobia, economic reasons, or something else, the current administration and all of its supporters are vehemently against doing so.

Recently, there have been a number of American pastors that have gone south to join the caravan, supporting them in their quest for asylum and protesting the way the US government is handling the situation. This, I think, is incredibly important because of Trump’s Christian alignment, and many of his white Christian supporters. The actions of the pastors standing with the migrants should definitely be recognized and publicized more, because they’re demonstrating the kindness and community that modern Christianity is supposed to hold in high esteem.

Only time can tell what will come of the mass exodus of Venezuela, but I hope that for the sake of those desperate, mistreated people that the US can rise to the occasion and help remedy the crisis in Venezuela and care for the suffering refugees who have been forced out of their country.

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