Article Analysis #9

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President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil signed an executive order making it more easily accessible for Brazilian citizens to obtain a firearm. Bolsonaro is an army veteran has strong republican like beliefs. In 2017 there were over 64,000 murders in Brazil. That was a new Brazilian record, not a good one, and it lead the entire world in murder rates. Brazil is a very large country with a population of 209.3 billion people. The law permits all adults without a criminal record to buy guns and keep them in their homes. It is illegal to carry guns in Brazil in public if you are not a cop or an armed security guard. This new law does not change the open carry laws. Jair Bolsonaro had wanted the previous gun law passed since 2003. It was a big part of his campaign to get elected. Recent polls suggest that 63% of the population is opposed to easily attainable guns.

The Reason Bolsonaro made it a priority to make it legal for adults to by guns is to insure there rights of protection. Yes guns can definitely be used as a way of protection. However, how is giving any adult the right to own a gun going to stop violence. It is still illegal to carry guns around in public. So the only way Brazilians will be able to protect themselves with guns is if there is a home invasion. To be real, even in the case of a home invasion you most likely won’t have time to get your gun to protect yourself. Unless your gun is not properly stored away in which case is a whole separate issue. Point being, giving access to any adult that wants a gun is more likely going to cause more violence rather then stop it.   

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