Nieto: A Bad President

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Former president of Mexico, Nieto, was found guilty of accepting a one-hundred million dollar bribe from drug lord El Chapo. When you first see this you are surprised. Coming from a democratic country with relatively limited scandals, seeing something like this comes as a shell shock. Once you start to look at the conditions of the country though, you see why he is doing. Mexico is a relatively poor country. It is also ran my lots of drug cartels. So when you are a president you either want to make an impact or recieve your fair share. When drugs are something that heavily support what little economy you have, it may not be in your best interest to try and shut it down. Also as a president, going straight after powerful drug cartels may not be the best idea. The other crazy thing is he originally requested 250 million dollars. If a drug cartel is willing to pay 100 million dollars, you can only imagine that that is a relatively small loss of money for them to continue operations. You can’t say that what he did is okay, but you can begin to realize that him shutting down one of the few economic boosts that Mexico has isn’t the best thing. If he has no money flowing in the country, an can maybe use drugs to help start getting money flowing, then maybe using drugs isn’t the worse idea. Once he has a better economy, he can start cracking down on drug lords and other drug affiliated people. Also with him excepting a bribe, maybe he had plans to help put that into the economy. While this seems highly unlikely as he was a more corrupt leader, their is still a possibility of this happening. Again some of his actions are the best moves by a leader, but some of them can be understandable and maybe even justified.

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